Hand Pain Relief  Naturally


A friend from YouTube who teaches guitar online told me he has pain from the thumb all the way to his elbow. Playing guitar involves using the thumb, finger,forearm and the hand. This got me thinking about what other activities in our daily lives that will cause hand pain and how can I show you to relief hand pain naturally.

Activities/jobs that might cause hand pain:

  • spending too much time on the computer
  • playing video games, Wii, XBox
  • playing musical instruments like drums, guitar, piano,bongo, hand drum …..
  • hair stylist
  • makeup artists
  • pattern maker
  • texting on the phones
  • playing games in iPods, iPads and smartphones

Check Out the video above and you’ll find 3 hand pain relief naturally techniques.

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Transcript For This Video:

[spoiler]Hi this is Vincent Woon. This video is in respond to one of my YouTube friend who coaches guitar online. He was explaining, telling me that he has pain from holding the guitar by pressing to the notes and playing and explain to me that he has pain from the thumb all the way down to the elbow all the way around this area. So from here to here. If you make a fist like this, you can feel that the muscle are all connected from, muscles are all connected but you can feel the connection from your thumb all the way down to the elbow. if you do this, it actually you can feel the whole line of muscle.

When I first started as massage therapist, I have the same problem with my hand. I have pain in the thumb all the way down to the elbow.
Why? because I wasn’t using my body mechanic properly when I first started. When I came back from work, it hurts, my wrist hurt, my elbow hurts,everything hurts because of the wrong body mechanics, proper self maintenance to ensure pain free environment, pain free massages.
These techniques and stretches are also good for people who uses their hands all the time and also have pain on the hand and their forearm. Basically people who play sports, musical instruments, people on the keyboard, playing games, playing your XBox, basically anything related to the hand.
Let me show you 3 things that I normally do to self maintain myself and also basically self prevention.
The first thing to do is to release the arm. What I normally do is to just shake it vigorously like this, relax drop your hand and shake it or just shake it like this. When you shake or you can feel the vibration, the vibration help loosen up and actually help bring blood to the area and when it vibrates it help bring circulation to the area and help loosen up the area.
The second thing I’ll normally do is to stretch it like this but I’m going to stretch it on the wall like such. You can feel the stretches here and you’ll feel the bottom part and feel it at the area here. So this way and this way. You can do it on the wall or sometimes on the table or at your desk. You can always at your desk and stretch that way. Basically bent down and stretch that way. Lets say this is the deak or table- you press it down this way.
And the last stretch is something that you need to use your imagination to do. Stretch your hand out, close your eyes, think about the pain and breathe in breathe out, when you breathe out you want to feel the energy of the pain moving out of the hand. So breathe in think of the pain and once you breathe out, feel the energy going out this way. Ok! ready? breathe in and out and feel the energy that goes out and you can actually feel your hand lightens up. This takes a little practice but you have to be in tune to it to get it right.
Alright! that’s what I normally do for self maintenance and help me keep going. I hope that it helps you and if you like this video please share it with your friends. And don’t forget to visit my blog at http://www.StressedOutStressFree.com See you in the next video.


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