Elbow Tendonitis Relief


I have an interesting story to share with you and at the same time I’ve discovered and tested on a GREAT pain relief product. One of my You Tube friend had a question on tendonitis. After a few question and answer session through our You Tube channel, he told me: ” I was shot on his wrist from a 38 magnum and it graved the top of my wrist and it cut every tendon on the top of my wrist.the surgeon attached all the right tendons to the right fingers.now i have tendonitis in my fingers and a sharp shooting pain around my elbow.” I was surprised that he didn’t have any pain on the wrist area because there’s always a lot of scar tissue after major surgery if it wasn’t taken care of right after the surgery and it’s a major cause of pain later on.

In This Video You Will:

– Find out what elbow tendonitis is

– What to do with it

– What paraffin can do to tendonitis

– What the GREAT pain relief cream is (HINT: scroll down)

– What you have to do after getting rid of the pain

To Find Out The LINK To The GREAT Pain Relief Cream CLICK HERE >>>> Topricin Natural Pain Relief Cream

Link For The Paraffin Bath CLICK HERE >>>> Paraffin



Check this Out!

Cure For Tennis Elbow Ebook Step By Step

System Click Here!

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Transcript For Today’s Video:


Hi welcome to StressedOutStressFree.com My name is Vincent Woon. In this video I’m going to talk to you about elbow tendonitis. Over the past few days one of my YouTube friend have been asking me questions on elbow tendonitis. We have been doing question and answer over our YouTube channel and I found that he had done surgery on the wrist that actually attached the tendons back to the fingers, And that causes pain in the tendon at the elbow. From here all the way to the index and pointer finger.

What causes tendonitis?

In this case: tendonitis is caused as a result of an injury.

The commonly cause of tendonitis is the repetitive use of the tendon. Elbow tendonitis there are two names for that if the pain is here it’s call tennis elbow and if it’s here it’s call golfer’s elbow. So pending on which area the pain is. If the pain is on the top of the forearm it’s call tennis elbow and if it’s down here it’s call golfer’s elbow.

Now what do you do when you have tendonitis? You can stretch! Let’s say if this is the pain here, first bend you hand this way and with the opposite push, as soon as you push you can feel the stretch here. To get a better stretch make a fist ad push down this way, push it back. A better view, this way make a fist and push it back. You can feel the stretch all the way here. For the bottom part  or the golfer’s elbow, you can do this way and you can feel it, this way.

What happens after you stretch and it still hurts? Next we can us paraffin. What does paraffin do? Paraffin wax actually warms up the area and create circulation in the area.

This is a paraffin bath. Basically what it does is a machine that melts paraffin wax in here.

Very simple to do a paraffin bath, just dip your elbow in there 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 This is how it looks, this is how it looks after you dip it in the wax. You can actually feel the heat now and it creates the circulation in there and helps soften up the skin and also relax the muscle. You can see the redness here and it shows circulation.

And if that doesn’t work! You can try massaging it. The pain starts from here all the way down here. Basically if it’s tennis elbow the pain will be here and if it’s golfer’s elbow the pain will be down here .

Normally the pain will be here to here or here to the bottom right here, So use your finger pad, finger straight, rub this way all along the tendon where you feel the pain. Push it across like this and for the tendon here, gently with your finger tips rub this way, rub on it, rub on it, especially by the elbow use two fingers because the area is slightly smaller. And for the other side same thing, pad it down with your thumb because this area is also small and you do it this way. And this is the lazy way to do it put one finger on the pain area and just turn your hand left, right left right like such. Put your fingers here and here if both side have pain just turn this way like this eft, right left right and this way or this way….push it across this way along the muscle. Across this way!

With this 3 techniques combine with my new found love, natural pain relief ointment/cream with that it will help release all your pain. In order to find out what it is? If you are watching on YouTube please click on the http link www.StressedOutStressFree.com/tendonitis below this video. It will send you to my website and there’s the link to the product. And if you are watching through my website please scroll down and you’ll find the link to the special cream I’m talking about.

After this you are pretty much ready to go BUT you need to add something call resistance exercise. Resistance exercise is any exercise that causes your muscles  to contract with the use of external resistance for example like using dumbbell, your body weigh or a bottle of water.

The best exercise or resistance exercise I can think of is swimming. Swimming is less strenuous to the muscle and you can do more of it and it promote quick healing.

Thank you very much for watching. I hope it helped get rid of your pain. Please share it with your friends and if you have any comment please share it in the comment box below and I see you in the next video. Once again my name is Vincent Woon from http://StressedOutStressFree.com



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