Shoulder Pain – Deltoid Stretch

What are the main causes of shoulder pain? It could be coming from  our lifestyle and our habits. Spending too much time on the computer, sloughing over the sofa watching TV, carrying heavy hand bags or backpacks, the exercise we do or sports we play (without stretching), the way we sleep (sleeping on the side), our posture and the list goes on.

In This Video You Will Find Out:

– There’s three part to this muscle

– What you do that will trigger them

How to stretch on each specific ones

Transcript for Today’s Video:


Hi welcome to another video. My name is Vincent Woon. In this video I’m going to with you a question from one of my subscriber who is a dodgeball player, as to how to stretch his deltoid muscle.

Now who uses the deltoid muscles? Mainly people who exercise a lot who do a lot of bench press who use this movement and also this movement which use this middle muscle of the deltoid, the middle piece of the deltoid and people who stretch this way that’s the use of the back deltoid muscle or the posterior deltoid muscle.

So what else that you do that will use the muscle? Putting too much weight while you are sleeping on it, you get pain on the front deltoid muscle or sometimes in the middle too and carrying a heavy bag, like kids going to school they have a heavy back pack or even carrying a heavy purse or handbag that might cause the pain there.

What I’m going to do right now, I’m going to show you how to stretch the front muscle, the front deltoid muscle, the middle deltoid muscle and the back deltoid muscle. In order to stretch the front deltoid muscle, you need to find a pole or a wall or a door frame. What I’m going to do is to use the wall here, put one hand on the wall and turn away from the wall, one hand parallel and then turn away from the wall… make sure your arm is parallel to the wall like such and turn. One stretch away from the wall, you will feel the muscle stretch here.

In order to stretch the middle deltoid, you can raise your arm up across your chest and push it with the opposite arm… push it that way not pull but push and stretch. Up and stretch, you’ll feel the stretch here. Same thing on the other arm, across push and stretch, you’ll feel the stretch here. Stretch across and push help assist. Across and push and above the elbow and stretch and stretch.

And to work on your back deltoid muscle or your posterior deltoid muscle, look for the pole or the wall again, hole the pole or the wall and turn into it, hold it and turn into it, you’ll feel the stretch here, in. Find a wall or a poll and walk into it, hold it walk into it you will feel the muscle stretch here.

Those are 3 things that I do for each part of the muscle and I hope it help you too.  Thank you very much for watching if you like this video please share it with your friends and don’t forget to visit my blog at and once again my name is Vincent Woon and I see you in the next video And Don’t forget to subscribe.



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