Wrist Pain Relieve


Are you typing too much on the computer? Spending too much time texting instead of calling on the phone?  Playing too much video games on Wii, XBOX or online? Do you play musical instruments like piano, guitar or  drums?

If your answer is YES to any of the questions above, you might somehow or rather experience wrist pain.I have three stretches for you in this wrist pain relieve video.

Please comment on this wrist pain relieve video, share it with your friends and sign in on the box at the right for more information.


Transcript For This Video:


Hi welcome to StressedOutStressFree. This video is for another

question for wrist pain from my Facebook friend. Now how do you get

wrist pain? Probably typing too much on the computer, texting,

playing with Wii, game box and if you play any musical instruments,

You play with drums, guitar, piano and also… basically repetitive

use of the wrist, that’s how you get pain Right!

Ok Let me show you 3 simple steps you can do. First is like the

Karate Kid stretch out your hand this way.. wax on wax off wax on

wax off wax on wax off. That help to release the area here.

Next turn side ways- you have to curl your hand this way. First

curl, second curl on the first bend and second bend. This way one,

two and push it towards yourself, bend it and push it towards

yourself. Fold your hand fingers this way and this way like a fist

bend it and pull it towards you. You’ll feel the stretch here.

And the next stretch is put your hand this way find a wall, this way

and pull your thumb. You can feel the stretch here. Like this pull

your thumb and feel the stretch here.

Well that’s it! Thank you very much for watching. Please visit my

blog at http://www.StressedOutStressFree.com See you in the next



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