Ice Therapy Cryotherapy For Golfer’s Elbow

Golfer’s elbow is pretty common among golfers, baseball players and any activities that uses the muscle under the elbow.  Ice therapy or cryotherapy is use to help relief the pain, reduce swelling and spasm.

In This Video You Will Find Out:

– Why ice is use

– How to use ice to massage

– What to do to get rid of the pain

Transcript for Today’s Video:


Hi welcome to another video. In this video I’m going to share with you ice therapy or cryotherapy. I’m going to show you how to release your pain with ice on/with elbow tendonitis or golfer’s elbow or if you play a lot of baseball from pitching and throwing, pain on the bottom part of your arm.

So what ice therapy or cryotherapy does to you? When you massage the area with the ice, it helps slow down the inflammation and it also numbs the soft tissue. It slows down the nerve impulses and also interrupt pain spasm between the nerves.

And thirdly it decreases the tissue damage just have to remember when you apply the ice on your muscle do not apply more than two hours or it will cause a skin burn

What you need to do or how do you put ice? What kind of ice do you need? Basically what you need is a styrofoam website cup fill it with water and put it in the freezer and when it’s done you just simply tear the edge off like such and you see the ice here. The styrofoam cup helps the person who is applying the ice to the injured area from cold.

Ok! now that we are ready we can apply the ice into the pain area. The golf elbow or the injured part from baseball or any sudden injury underneath the arm area on this area right here.

I’m going to show you this way. The pain starts here and I’m going round circular and make sure you have a cloth in the bottom because as you can see the ice is melting. Let’s go around the pain area, do a circular movement, circular movement this will help numb up the area.

What you need to remember with ice therapy or cryotherapy is you have to stop every five to ten minutes and the maximum time is two hours.

Now that you have finish with the ice therapy, what do you do during the week to maintain or help relief the pain? Goto this video right here, right here CLICK on it! It will help you or show you what kind of stretches you need to do and what kind of massage or pain relief you can do to maintain or get rid of the pain.

In addition to that you can also soak your arm or the pain area with warm water and Epsom salt and that help release the muscle and loosen up all the tension and get rid of the pain.

Thank you very much for watching and I hope this will help release your pain and if you have any questions or if you have any things that you do different please feel free to comment at the comment box below. And don’t forget to visit my blog at and sign up for the Stressed Out Stress Free Weekly newsletter. My name is Vincent Woon and I see you in the next video.



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