What To Do After An Accident

Knowing what to do after an accident helps to avoid a lot of pain.

What does that mean?

For example I know many of my clients who had accidents but never did anything after their accident because they did not feel any pain at that time. They come to me months or weeks later and sometimes forgot what might have caused their pain.

It took me  some time to investigate and asking them the right questions in order to find out what and how the discomfort begin or came from. Just for this reason, it is good to  have everything check even if you don’t feel any  pain because prevention is better than cure.

In This Video You Will Find Out:

– What to do after an accident

– Chinese remedy

– Tips on how to get rid of this problem

Transcript for Today’s Video:


Hi welcome to another video. In this video I’m going to share with you what you need to do or what you should do after a car accident. My friend was driving to work last week and when he was turning towards his work place, the coffee that he bought for his friend almost tilt over so he reached over to the coffee and he accidentally the lamp post/pole.

He has bruises in the eye, his ribs was banged against the steering wheel and he also have back pain from the lower back all the way up to the neck. I think what happened was when he was trying to catch the coffee he was probably still stepping on the gas and when he hit the lamp post his body jerked forward hitting into his ribs and his eye bump into his steering wheel and that causes a jerk like this and it also create a whiplash on the neck. So usually one will not feel any pain in the beginning for the first feel days but it is very important to have your self checked up. Accidents like these, the pain will eventually prevail later. After an accident like such, you need to take care of yourself.

Number one for the black eye, I would suggest you watch this video right here! It will help relief the black eye and also help take away the bruises and for the pain on the chest and the ribs, pain on the neck and lower back, I’ll soak myself in Epsom salt with warm water. What happens is it that helps to relax the muscles and loosen up all the tension. This is not a bad thing to have, this is called herbal moist therapy. Basically it’s an herbal you can microwave it in the oven for a little bid and just put on where the pain area is. This help like a heat bag to release the muscle.. it is moist heat therapy and help loosen up the tension. I always have this at home, that for the wider area and the is  for the smaller area for the eye the eye pad, just like this for you eye to calm you down or you need to relax. it’s very handy and especially with kids you need to have them because the come back with bumps and bruises and sprains and pain.

In additional to that I also use “Dit Da Jiu” which is a Chinese herbal medicine it helps relaxes the muscles, break down the black and blues, tension and loosen up the area.

Very important thing you need to do is to set up an appointment for the doctor to check you thoroughly just to make sure that’s nothing wrong with you because if not later on the effects of the accident will come to haunt you and you are going to have a lot of aches and pain and you might not remember what had happened earlier. So please make sure you do all the necessary therapy to avoid these aches and pain in a later date. I have a friend who had an accident, she was walking on the street in Philadelphia  and somebody hit her on the side. In the beginning she was fine, she has no pain and she even got married a week after that with no pain. But now I just heard from her mom

last week that she’s been having aches and pain and this is all coming from that accident. So please do a follow up just to make sure that’s nothing wrong with any of  your muscles or any of your posture to make sure that you will not get any aches and pain from the accident and the know how you need to take care of yourself.

Thank you very much for watching and don’t forget to visit my blog at http://StressedOutStressFree.com and I see you in the next video.



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