Ice Therapy Cryotherapy For Golfer’s Elbow

Ice Therapy Cryotherapy For Golfer’s Elbow Golfer’s elbow is pretty common among golfers, baseball players and any activities that uses the muscle under the elbow.  Ice therapy or cryotherapy is use to help relief the pain, reduce swelling and spasm. In...

Elbow Tendonitis Relief

Elbow Tendonitis Relief httpv:// I have an interesting story to share with you and at the same time I’ve discovered and tested on a GREAT pain relief product. One of my You Tube friend had a question on tendonitis. After a few...

Pain At Base Of Skull And Neck

Muscle At The Base Of The Skull Pain And Neck Pain httpv:// Have you ever experience a combination of neck pain and tightness of the muscles at the base of the skull? Do you remember what causes the pain? One quick tip! Whenever...