Pain In Neck – Free Massager

Pain In Neck Having pain in the neck is becoming a common thing among technology users. Constantly reaching their arm forward while typing on the computer, looking down at their iphone, smartphone, iPad or mobile device while texting,emailing or surfing the web. These...

Neck Pain – How To Crack Your Neck

Neck Pain – How To Crack Your Neck One of my YouTube friend wrote: “I hurt my neck and upper back playing football. A year later I hurt it again and I’ve hurt it a few times doing daily stuff. It’s very stiff and I can’t afford...

Whiplash From Snowboarding

Treatment for whiplash httpv:// Whiplash is a non-medical term describing a range of injuries to the neck caused by or related to a sudden distortion of the neck associate with extension. Whiplash is commonly known or associate...

Pain At Base Of Skull And Neck

Muscle At The Base Of The Skull Pain And Neck Pain httpv:// Have you ever experience a combination of neck pain and tightness of the muscles at the base of the skull? Do you remember what causes the pain? One quick tip! Whenever...